Friday, November 6, 2009

Cost-Saving Miseries Love Consortiums

Colgate University in New York has recently partnered with five other New York area to form a consortium.

According to O'Keefe (2009), the goals of the consortium are:

Harnessing technology to allow for greater collaboration in all areas, with emphasis on shared human resources, high end computing collaboration and advanced computer infrastructure.

• Acquiring of goods and services, including benchmarking, joint purchasing and risk management.

• Promoting sustainable institutional environments, including recycling operations and alternative energy supplies.

• Maximizing student engagement, including wellness programming, alcohol and substance abuse intervention strategies, responses to differential learning styles, and collaboration among teaching and learning centers.

• Shaping workforces, including faculty development, staff development, and preparation of future academic leaders.

• Fostering intercultural literacy, including strategies for ensuring students are prepared to live in a global and diverse world.

By joining the other five universities, Colgate University hopes to realize cost savings by being a member of a larger organization with more leverage and buying power.

My Opinion

A consortium may hold the answer of cost-savings, but leave several questions behind: Is decision of the consortium binding for all members, if so, how is it being monitored? How long should the consortium be formed and in operation? What legal, political, and monetary issues arise from consortium membership? How does the individual member institution maintain its identity while developing a consortium identity?


O'Keefe, T. (2009). Colgate, five colleges to explore cost-saving steps. Colgate University: News and Events Blog. As retrieved on Novmber 6, 2009, from:

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